In the news, media and social outlets, the conversation of law enforcement training and proper use of force has reached an all-time high. There is a divide in this nation and law enforcement agencies are being scrutinized and questioned about their use of force and general training practices.

Since 1984, RedMan Training Gear and its team of certified trainers have been serving law enforcement agencies nationwide with training programs and gear focused on use of force training scenarios, the Seven Levels of simulation and how to train officers for survival on the streets while minimizing their exposure to litigation.

RedMan is going to share proven wisdom and footage from trainers we have worked with throughout the years. The concepts aren’t new and they are still relevant in today’s world. 

So here’s the first piece in our series on Defensive Tactics Training. Each week we will release a training video from the archives that is still relevant. The purpose is to share with the world, that the conversation of proper training is not new and that law enforcement agencies nationwide have been properly trained. Of course, everyone can benefit from more training. Hopefully, this increased public interest on use of force training will give law enforcement agencies much needed support to continue training and enhance their existing training programs. 

This video by Gary T. Klugiewicz was filmed in 1996. 

The question: How can an officer justify his/her use of force? 
The answer: Understanding the Control Theory, the foundation of use-of-force Articulation. How and why an officer can use force to enforce the law, and protect him/herself and others?

About Gary T. Kulgiewicz:
Gary T. Klugiewicz is retired from the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department where he served three tours of duty “inside the walls” as a Correctional Officer, Deputy, Sergeant, and Captain. Gary has served as a Shift Supervisor, A CERT Team Commander, and a Special Management Team Security Supervisor for mentally ill inmates. Gary has developed defensive tactics training programs for Police, Corrections, Mental Health, and Tactical Teams. He is an instructor trainer for the State of Wisconsin’s correctional Principles of Subject Control (POSC®) Program, the ACMi® Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT®) Program, the Active Countermeasures (Dynamic Entry Training) Program for SWAT Personnel, and the lead instructor for Verbal Judo’s Tactical Communication for the Correctional Professional training program.