RedMan Training Gear has a goal of getting officers home safe, and we believe that this is done by preparing Law Enforcement Officres on how to effectively manage and react in a variety of situations. Departments are constantly challenged to maintain relevant training programs for Law Enforcement Officres, and having robust training programs in place do just that.

Many of these programs focus on teaching Law Enforcement Officers how to make split-second decisions, how to properly react to being hit, and how to deal with sudden changes in the nature of an altercation. With RedMan Training Gear, law enforcement trainers can conduct realistic training scenarios that put officers in a variety of everyday life situations, often involving simulated weapons and repetitive practice using the type of force they might experience in real life. It also provides them with an opportunity for their trainers to utilize new technology and tactics to include to give them experience working in low light conditions, breaching entryways, with aerosol sprays, subject control, impact weapons and more.

Police departments around the country are constantly training to prepare officers on the most effective methods to reduce the chances of escalation of force. Having these programs in place can play an integral role in making sure they are fully prepared to go out into the field, and come home safe.

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