RedMan Training Gear offers protective training suits and accessories for military, corrections, and law enforcement personnel to use during Use-Of-Force Training. The purpose of RedMan Training Gear for instructors and students is to make safe, reality-based...
The Evader High Collar was created to provide moderate protection during defensive tactics training. It is used in combination with other Iron RedMan components such as the headgear, hood, mask, and cage. The collar encapsulates the gear in order to provide a moderate...
With more than 30 years of product development using officer feedback, RedMan Training Gear has applied its latest knowledge to the design and manufacturing of a new line of training components. These components combine to create configurations for less than lethal...
Last year the RedMan team decided that it wanted to update the Training Vest to better fit the needs of law enforcement officers. Based on officer feedback, the improved RedMan Training Vest is modeled after standard issue duty vests and has a number of upgrades so...
RedMan’s most popular products are its XP and WDS Suits. Created to expand the limits of law enforcement and military training programs, our instructor and student suits have allowed students to benefit from the most realistic experiences possible to fully...
Putting the RedMan Training Baton to the Test The RedMan Baton lets you provide law enforcement officers with the training they need by helping them develop their accuracy through realistic training scenarios for dynamic simulations. It is great for performing safe,...